Thursday, November 29, 2007


Yes yes, i know, ive been lazy writing new posts on the blog.

And well, now i have a few reasons to write something again :)

First, my old teacher/headmaster was on a course for teachers at the WOSTEP foundation in neuchatel, so we took the chance and met up ofc.
We agreed over telephone that i should come to neuchatel by train and should arrive 3ish, and that i did. But, i hadnt eaten very much that morning, so i was hungry as hell already at 3. He had been busy doing something else so he hadnt eaten either.
So, Situation : we were both hungry
Solution : Eat!
Problem! In switzerland, restaurants dont start serving food untill after 6'o clock at the soonest. But, both me and him had eaten at this really good pizza restaurants in the past before 6'o clock. We walk to this restaurant *MEEEEP* half past six they start serving food.... ok, what else?
we walk around for 30 minutes maybe. At this point i was having trouble containing my hunger-irritation, i always get very irritated when i get too hungry. But i managed to contain myself :P
After those 30 minutes, we decide to eat kebab, because all the kebabs ive eaten in switzerland have only been snacks, littly tiny things to tease your appetite, i thought that would do us good for 2 hours and then we could have a pizza.

*kaaPLAMOOoo* the biggest fucking thing ive seen since Borensberg. this kebab was enough to feed a hungry family for 3 weeks if cut up right. So, that scratched the pizza plans. oh well.

We talked allot about the education i got and what he wants to change in the school, it was really nice to see such fire in him.
But what was really important was ofc that he brought me my Ring(linky)
Had a few beers and some glasses of wine, all in all it was a nice evening.

I Have also _almost_ completed my first tourbillion, Its all polished and ready for final fine-tuning. Today i also completed my first movement. Ok, its just a movement travaille(a movement to put the tourbillions in to test and regulate). It was great fun to recognize the parts from premontage and to get a sense of completion to what im doing. I also got told what im going to do after X-mas, but im not telling you :P

And Rebekka took some awesome pictures of when it snowed a few days back

Ill try and be more active in my posting :)

David out!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Around we go!

Tourbillion : means Whirlwind literally, is an escapement device in a watch, its very delicate and very brittle. so this takes specialized tools and VERY strict guidance if you want to do this. Last but not least, you need the talents.

Lucky for me, my boss thinks i have all of these now(the tools i made, linky at top), the guidance i get from my boss and the talent i got somewhere else(mom? dad?).

Anyway, i am now in the process of making my Very first Tourbine cage, you pronounce the french cage similar to cache, but with longer a, like caaache.(or tourbillion cage(this is the english cage, like bird-cage), the complete thing is called a cage, beats me why). ive taken as many pictures as ive remembered to take, be cause, to be perfectly honest, im quite swept up in this work and easily forget to stop and take pictures.

Its great fun, especially since i can for the first time sense that im getting close to my first "product". Its very challenging though. Small brittle stuff that easily break or if i take a 100th of a millimeter to much here or there, it simply wont work and *woosh* back where i started on last wednesday( wednesday-ish atleast).

Other news :

Were going to IKEA again now on saturday, it sucks to have ALL your clothes in one biggish closet with 3 shelfs, that makes all my pants in one big pile in left corner of shelf, all my t-shirts in a big pile in the middle, some t-shirts spill over to the pants, some wander off to the sweaters, which also have a specific corner to be in. Now, add some pull-overs and polo(?) shirts and its all a big mess. this needs fixing.

My French is coming along, im almost able to totaly understand my teacher soon. this will hugely boost my learning capabilities(sarcasm intended) No, but seriously, my french is picking up and coming along nicely. Last word i learned was "fois" (which means "time" as in "Due fois par semain" = "two times per week".) Rebekkas french is, ofc, brilliant, she just doesnt get as much practice as i do.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Working on workphotos

Now that im finaly done with most of the pre-montage for the other guys in the attelie, My boss asked me to do some possages(dunno how to spell that, but its to put parts on for pollish and/or work in the lathe.) for a tourbillion. so that probably means that i will start working on the Tourbillion soon.

Btw, before i can start working on the tourbillion, i have a 7 page how-to, just step by step, without any theory on how or why(thats a few books of material). and i needed to make 7 possages to hold different parts for specific steps(or what the hell you call it, things-to-do-before-its-finished).

Even if the tourbillion is really not many parts at all, it is the beating organ of any watch its put into. and being handmade. everything becomes very touchy-touchy. if i dont keep my tolerances while doing the pre-assembly on the tourbillion, the finished product will be a bitch to get right.

Im really looking forward to this. i havent been in a rush getting here though. ive been savoring the feeling of anticipation, and knowing there are more, better things to come then pre-montage. i think that every step of building my own watches(the ones i get assigned at work i mean) will be very fun and very interesting work for me.

Im growing quite confident in my skills now, at the same time i am starting to realize the amount of stuff i have yet to learn, and that amount gets bigger and bigger for the day. "Learn the answer to one question and have two more questions" kind of thing.

In closing, i need to talk to my boss before i add more pictures, i want to get a permanent deal so that i can just keep posting without being afraid of being sued or something for leaking industrial secrets >.<

And here is a slightly hazy picture of a Tourbillion in a watch for those who didnt know what that is.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Some work examples

I have really told all the story on the picasaweb website, so just check it out. there is a description on what i did today and monday. Its typical pre-assembly work, just finishing parts, making them straight etc. when i have some other nice piece to work on ill post more pictures :P (and according to what im allowed to show ofc ... )

Friday, September 28, 2007

new watch!

i couldnt resist, i had to have one of these

thats officialy my first compulsive buy ever i think(atleast in watches). so look and like it :P

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Me and Rebekka had three friends from holland here on visit the last weekend. It was _great_ fun, we went to Saut-de-daubs, Neuchatel and drove around some in the area. The area is really nice, i hadnt seen so much of it before and it is awesome.

We had lots of food, beer and fun, Theire son(Daniel, 2.5 years old) is such a sweetheart he kept asking me what i was doing and when i told him, he would always say "okey" in the cutest voice :)

I would love to go and visit them someday soon, probably will after X-mas :)

for pics check out jp's album

Work work work.
Almost a month done soon, and im getting more and more comfortable with the ppl at the company, even if my french is mostly still point and grunt(with nasal sound effects, it sounds french atleast).
This friday i started mirror polishing, it didnt work out at all, even the guy showing me wasnt able to get it right, we have to figure out what is wrong, if my tools are defect, my paste(the polishing paste) or if the piece itself is the base of the problems. well, i wasted a whole day on it anyway, so the things my boss gave me to do before he went on a small holliday will guaranteed last me now...
Oh well, c'est la vie.

I also found out that my employer will pay for my french lessons, so im starting those after x-mas i think. to avoid a 2-3 week break in the studies. Thats 600 francs i save, so awesome :P

p.s. Freddie! have fun with your boys!

/David out

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Second week, starting badly

I caught a fever and went to work yesterday with it, i thought id better show up, feel how it is and go home if its bad. It turned out to be bad, but if i had gone home after showing up, i would have lost plus-hours. so i struggled through the day with fever and headache, something im not doing again, the whole day was error ridden and mistakes were being made a lot(at least according to me)

Riveting wheels with wrong punches, cleaning the same wheel twice and leaving others dirty etc etc, i just was not able to focus the whole day.


We are gonna pull our forces together and work like horses and finish the order we have before x-mas AND do more then that(for a nifty bonus). so that means the odd Saturday at work and a few more plus-hours.

I start most mornings at 7.30 and work till 1700, that gives me 1 plus-hour a day, thinking of trying to come at 7.00 and staying till 1700, thats 1.5 hours a day. but we'll see about that, maybe its easier to just go to work at noon on saturdays and work for a few hours. atleast that way i still get 2 sleepy mornings.

I would like to talk about what im doing at work, but im not sure what kind of secrecy i have on me, so ill ask my bosses how much i can talk about without getting in trouble :P

other then that, check my new pics for our appartment

thats it for now,

p.s. everyone can now leave comments, no need to register with anything or anyone, so please do :)


Friday, September 7, 2007


I have now worked for a week, doing some pre-montage, its going decently i guess, too early to judge i think.

But phew, the depth of watchmaking im going into is immense! everything needs to be 100%, and not just any 100%, a watchmakers 100%, this is going to be a real challenge(like climbing a mountain, not like solving an impossible puzzle). Were also getting settled in our appartment, it will be really nice here i think.
We finally got our internet connection installed, im really glad that we got it before the weekend, not after :P

I had one of the best work-lunches today, my boss and i went downtown to get some tools, we then went for a pizza and some coffee afterwards, the lunch took 2 hours! usually we take 30 minute lunches, but its really nice to know that once in a while its okey to take a long lunch and chill.

the pre-montage, as i said is going quite well i think, we got to play around with the GP jackpot a little bit today and yesterday, it really is gonna be a cool watch when its finished(there are only 2 pieces completed, the one that went to Basel fair and the one we had. Its still just basic work, but its very good training and setup for when i start doing "real" work. And im starting to realize just how big this job is, i feel really lucky that everything just seems to fit, time, money(not much, but enough), wife, boss, work etc etc.

Im excited about the future me and Rebekka are going to have here in Switzerland, the next couple of years are going to be interesting!


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Switzerland and language

Here we are.
The appartment was a little strange. it isnt as big as i hoped, so any guests and visitors will have to sleep in our living room, which should be okey though. We will change appartments though when we can(next septembre), becouse even if this appartment has a balcony, a bathtub and decent planning, the house and general state of the appartment isnt the shizneck!

Le Locle, the town itself is very, very cute, quite lovely actually. with a million small restaurants, a few supermarkets, hardware stores etc etc. So living here the next year should be realy easy and nice -- EXCEPT -- the house we live in is at a top of a HUUUUGE hill, so we will get thighs of thunder and asses of steel!!
Im quite surprised at how well we are getting over the language barrier, been able to order food, postage stamps, internet(which should arrive in 2 weeks the dude said) prepaid SIM card for my mobile(which should work tomorow) and all sorts of things.

We went on a looong travel to IKEA just outside of Lausanne yesterday, and phew, it was a tough journey to make back with backpacks and bags full of lamps and stuff. but we had too, the appartment didnt have any lights installed, so we needed something atleast.

and now, the weekly "Whats differnt in Switzerland"
All electric plugs are different(atleast all the grounded ones), a problem you dont really see untill your there, trying to plug in your TV to watch a porno-reel...

All-in-all. i am really excited about our stay here in Le Locle.
I am really looking forward to my first working day on monday, ill tell you all about that when we get there :)


Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Atlast i have arrived in Switzerland, feels good.
The trip showed that switzerland has the best railroad system that i have ever had the pleasure to use. fast, cheap(ish) and gets me to the place i want.

Will give a longer post when i have more time and better peace of mind.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bigger wedding post

Hi all again.

So this is the promised, longer wedding post.

It started out a little rocky. Since we didnt get married in a church, we got a civil marriage. That isnt why it was rocky though, it was when we got to the office of the syslumaður(the "judge" who performs the marriage). Me, my wife, my brothers and sister, theire kids, Rebekka's sister and brother, theire kids and our parents ... had to wait.

the person taking calls didnt see or realize that we were there for an marriage. so, 14 ppl had to wait while she was busy handling some one person doing some stupid stuff. we asked and asked "what are we waiting for??" and all she could say was "just a moment please", ppl started laughing at her for stalling, she was starting to sweat etc etc..

Buuuut, it all worked out lovely in the end, the ceremony took about 10 minutes at most, the judge asked if Rebekka wanted to take me as her husband, i asked the judge where she'd want to take me, she didnt like that joke and went on with the ceremony :P

After that we went to the Reykjavik Botanical garden, took some realy nice pictures . The weather was beautiful, we were really lucky, it was raining up untill the ceremony started, then it rained a little after we were done with the photoshoot.

The party it self with only 47 guests was held in my sisters HUGE house(thanks ALOT sis, it was perfect), she made a floral arch to stand in front of front door, custom made for me and Rebekka :)

We didnt want a sit-down-and-eat party, we wanted more mingling and NO ALCOHOL, when my sis got married there wasnt any alcohol either, and it showed just how good sober partys can be, so we wanted that too. and (who knew) it WORKED.
The food was 16 kinds of finger-foods, realy good and tasty. perfect for this party.

My lovely parents gave us the party as a wedding present(and boy, it wasnt cheap)

All-in-all, im ExTREMELY happy with both the party and ceremony and the lovely, lovely wife ofc, she is a perfect match for me, i am quite certain that i will be happy for many, many years to come with her :)


Saturday, August 11, 2007


Just noticed, if you google "david olafsson watchmaker" this site is the first entry :P


This is just gonna be a short entry, telling you all that the Wedding is done, we are married now!!

I have the best wife in the world!

Everything went super smooth, photos will follow shortly :P
The honeymoon was spent at this place(check the penthouse out, thats were we stayed, it was SUPER cool, awesome hotel.

Anyway, more to come on this subject, watch this space :P

p.s. problems with appartment in switzerland!
The lady ive been talking to suddenly said that the appartment is free the 25th of august!!
THATS A PROBLEM! ive said 13-15 of august since i first talked to her atleast a month ago when we started the appartment thing, realy annoying. oh well, problems are made to be solved, so we will figure that out somehow.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Not yet

Still getting ready for the big day. Stopped working a few days back.
A pleasant surprise for Rebekka, her two cousins(Freyja and Sunneva) who live in New Zealand are in Iceland, visiting. So she invited them and Sunneva's long-time boyfriend(who is Japanese) to our wedding. They are living at theire grandfathers house. He's over 70 so we volunteered to drive them around the "golden circle", that is Gullfoss, Geysir and Þingvellir. It was great fun. Most memorably was probably when the muffler came off the car we were driving.

Le Suisse update :
I think we have an appartment ready now. Havent seen it, nor any pictures from it. but its supposed to be around 65 sq/m with 2.5 rooms(they say biig living room and a sleepingroom). Well, if we dont like it, we only need to stay there a year before we can change ( ... )

We also did some hiking(check picasa albums for pics.)
We went truck-driving up some mountains, need to get those pictures still. that was great fun :P

Thats it kids!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I just had to post this one as well, Kari Voutilainen's Decimal minute repeater. a realy cool watch!


Imbedded video

wow, im realy learning some html here(ya, copy / paste is realy html /golfclap)

Anyway, here is a cool "introduction" to watchmaking to those out there not familiar with what it is that i realy do, ill try to find more interesting videos to post now that i know how :P

A little read

I found today some posts about Cristophe Claret, where im going to work soon.

and here

Makes me really proud :)

What else these days? well, we walked to the highest waterfall in Iceland this weekend, took over 4 hours just hiking there and back again. but we didnt know the way really, so we never got a good view of it >.<

Hang in there, pictures coming soon from the trip and from my sisters wedding(and ours is soon!)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Come on already!!!!

i want to go NOW!!!
ok, i want to get married. but other then that, i just want to be in le suisse NOW

Not that im tired of Iceland or anything, but its just hell to be stuck in Limbo, like standing on a cliff with a bungee cord stuck to your feet, you've already decided to jump, your ready, not scared, but you CANT, not just yet atleast. Limbo-hell imho.

On the marriage. ive bought clothes. Becka has her clothes also set and ready(except shoes)
Getting food ideas(were just gonna have finger-foods). So everything is Set, again with the waiting!

Oh well. ill post pictures on my picasaweb as soon as i have something worth putting up there :)

Cya all

Monday, July 2, 2007

Never before!

Never before has summer in Iceland been so good for so many days in a row, its crazy.

Well, date is set, Clothes are bought(atleast most of them), Rings are ordered etc.

We decided so far :
No Alcohol, we dont like Champagne, so why should we have it in the party
We will also get married at the judge, so we decided that everyone goes to the party-place BEFORE us. and then we come rolling in the "Just Married" car, as we exit the car rice-throwing, clapping, dancing and singing etc etc. Then just a standing mingle-thingy with finger-foods(no sitting-and-eating).

So all in all, the whole thing should be a realy laid-back kinda thing, not too long.

Any more suggestions?


Thursday, June 28, 2007


Hi all, im just chilling these days, waiting to get to work, while also working out all paper-formalia thats needed when moving between countries and getting married.

On that - Marriage, there are SOOO many ways of doing it. should we have tables? should we do a ceremony at the party(since were getting married at a judge/government official, there is no real "ceremony". should we have music, wine, alcohol, 3 course dinner, or just smorgosboard of cold/semi-cold slices. should Becka have a white weddingdress or not, should i....

you get the point. im kinda lost atm, trying to figure those things out
(oh and btw, my sister is getting married too, on 070707, and she is having a GRAND wedding in every sense of the word(huuuuuge guest list, famour perfomer singing songs, etc etc.)

Oh well, back to planning my own wedding

Cya all :)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Getting married!

Me and my lovely Rebekka have decided to get married after 8 years of living together.
We talked a lot about it, and we most often decided that it wasnt for us. But, after a little more talking and deliberation, we decided to get married.
Not because we weren't sure if we were gonna stick together or not, that has always been a certain for us.

And i'm bursting with joy that she really wanted to move around with me out from Iceland, to Sweden and then again to Switzerland with me, i would never have taken the job if she would not have come with me.

I just feel so very very glad that we found each other(which is a whole other story, perhaps sometime later ill add it.)

Anyway, this is my "I love you" to you, my Rebekka <3


Friday, June 15, 2007

Watchmaker now!

This has been a long time coming. three years in school in sweden. It has taken its toll.

But Finaly!

Im a watchmaker, with both a swedish degree and a WOSTEP degree.
And i have landed a job at Cristope Claret.
I will be working there for 4 years. written in contract actually, but i dont mind at all, i think 4 years are a normal worklength at any normal job anyway, so i think i would have stayed there for 4 years anyway.

So. whats next?
First im going back home to Iceland, work a little bit for Frank Michelsen, that should be fun and educating, i wont be there long, only untill i start at Claret.

Well, i will add some pictures when i have uploaded them all, mostly pics from Germany and Le Locle(where Claret is), and also some pictures from my Graduation.




added a link to picasaweb site.