Thursday, November 29, 2007


Yes yes, i know, ive been lazy writing new posts on the blog.

And well, now i have a few reasons to write something again :)

First, my old teacher/headmaster was on a course for teachers at the WOSTEP foundation in neuchatel, so we took the chance and met up ofc.
We agreed over telephone that i should come to neuchatel by train and should arrive 3ish, and that i did. But, i hadnt eaten very much that morning, so i was hungry as hell already at 3. He had been busy doing something else so he hadnt eaten either.
So, Situation : we were both hungry
Solution : Eat!
Problem! In switzerland, restaurants dont start serving food untill after 6'o clock at the soonest. But, both me and him had eaten at this really good pizza restaurants in the past before 6'o clock. We walk to this restaurant *MEEEEP* half past six they start serving food.... ok, what else?
we walk around for 30 minutes maybe. At this point i was having trouble containing my hunger-irritation, i always get very irritated when i get too hungry. But i managed to contain myself :P
After those 30 minutes, we decide to eat kebab, because all the kebabs ive eaten in switzerland have only been snacks, littly tiny things to tease your appetite, i thought that would do us good for 2 hours and then we could have a pizza.

*kaaPLAMOOoo* the biggest fucking thing ive seen since Borensberg. this kebab was enough to feed a hungry family for 3 weeks if cut up right. So, that scratched the pizza plans. oh well.

We talked allot about the education i got and what he wants to change in the school, it was really nice to see such fire in him.
But what was really important was ofc that he brought me my Ring(linky)
Had a few beers and some glasses of wine, all in all it was a nice evening.

I Have also _almost_ completed my first tourbillion, Its all polished and ready for final fine-tuning. Today i also completed my first movement. Ok, its just a movement travaille(a movement to put the tourbillions in to test and regulate). It was great fun to recognize the parts from premontage and to get a sense of completion to what im doing. I also got told what im going to do after X-mas, but im not telling you :P

And Rebekka took some awesome pictures of when it snowed a few days back

Ill try and be more active in my posting :)

David out!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Around we go!

Tourbillion : means Whirlwind literally, is an escapement device in a watch, its very delicate and very brittle. so this takes specialized tools and VERY strict guidance if you want to do this. Last but not least, you need the talents.

Lucky for me, my boss thinks i have all of these now(the tools i made, linky at top), the guidance i get from my boss and the talent i got somewhere else(mom? dad?).

Anyway, i am now in the process of making my Very first Tourbine cage, you pronounce the french cage similar to cache, but with longer a, like caaache.(or tourbillion cage(this is the english cage, like bird-cage), the complete thing is called a cage, beats me why). ive taken as many pictures as ive remembered to take, be cause, to be perfectly honest, im quite swept up in this work and easily forget to stop and take pictures.

Its great fun, especially since i can for the first time sense that im getting close to my first "product". Its very challenging though. Small brittle stuff that easily break or if i take a 100th of a millimeter to much here or there, it simply wont work and *woosh* back where i started on last wednesday( wednesday-ish atleast).

Other news :

Were going to IKEA again now on saturday, it sucks to have ALL your clothes in one biggish closet with 3 shelfs, that makes all my pants in one big pile in left corner of shelf, all my t-shirts in a big pile in the middle, some t-shirts spill over to the pants, some wander off to the sweaters, which also have a specific corner to be in. Now, add some pull-overs and polo(?) shirts and its all a big mess. this needs fixing.

My French is coming along, im almost able to totaly understand my teacher soon. this will hugely boost my learning capabilities(sarcasm intended) No, but seriously, my french is picking up and coming along nicely. Last word i learned was "fois" (which means "time" as in "Due fois par semain" = "two times per week".) Rebekkas french is, ofc, brilliant, she just doesnt get as much practice as i do.