Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I just had to post this one as well, Kari Voutilainen's Decimal minute repeater. a realy cool watch!


Imbedded video

wow, im realy learning some html here(ya, copy / paste is realy html /golfclap)

Anyway, here is a cool "introduction" to watchmaking to those out there not familiar with what it is that i realy do, ill try to find more interesting videos to post now that i know how :P

A little read

I found today some posts about Cristophe Claret, where im going to work soon.

and here

Makes me really proud :)

What else these days? well, we walked to the highest waterfall in Iceland this weekend, took over 4 hours just hiking there and back again. but we didnt know the way really, so we never got a good view of it >.<

Hang in there, pictures coming soon from the trip and from my sisters wedding(and ours is soon!)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Come on already!!!!

i want to go NOW!!!
ok, i want to get married. but other then that, i just want to be in le suisse NOW

Not that im tired of Iceland or anything, but its just hell to be stuck in Limbo, like standing on a cliff with a bungee cord stuck to your feet, you've already decided to jump, your ready, not scared, but you CANT, not just yet atleast. Limbo-hell imho.

On the marriage. ive bought clothes. Becka has her clothes also set and ready(except shoes)
Getting food ideas(were just gonna have finger-foods). So everything is Set, again with the waiting!

Oh well. ill post pictures on my picasaweb as soon as i have something worth putting up there :)

Cya all

Monday, July 2, 2007

Never before!

Never before has summer in Iceland been so good for so many days in a row, its crazy.

Well, date is set, Clothes are bought(atleast most of them), Rings are ordered etc.

We decided so far :
No Alcohol, we dont like Champagne, so why should we have it in the party
We will also get married at the judge, so we decided that everyone goes to the party-place BEFORE us. and then we come rolling in the "Just Married" car, as we exit the car rice-throwing, clapping, dancing and singing etc etc. Then just a standing mingle-thingy with finger-foods(no sitting-and-eating).

So all in all, the whole thing should be a realy laid-back kinda thing, not too long.

Any more suggestions?
