Friday, September 7, 2007


I have now worked for a week, doing some pre-montage, its going decently i guess, too early to judge i think.

But phew, the depth of watchmaking im going into is immense! everything needs to be 100%, and not just any 100%, a watchmakers 100%, this is going to be a real challenge(like climbing a mountain, not like solving an impossible puzzle). Were also getting settled in our appartment, it will be really nice here i think.
We finally got our internet connection installed, im really glad that we got it before the weekend, not after :P

I had one of the best work-lunches today, my boss and i went downtown to get some tools, we then went for a pizza and some coffee afterwards, the lunch took 2 hours! usually we take 30 minute lunches, but its really nice to know that once in a while its okey to take a long lunch and chill.

the pre-montage, as i said is going quite well i think, we got to play around with the GP jackpot a little bit today and yesterday, it really is gonna be a cool watch when its finished(there are only 2 pieces completed, the one that went to Basel fair and the one we had. Its still just basic work, but its very good training and setup for when i start doing "real" work. And im starting to realize just how big this job is, i feel really lucky that everything just seems to fit, time, money(not much, but enough), wife, boss, work etc etc.

Im excited about the future me and Rebekka are going to have here in Switzerland, the next couple of years are going to be interesting!
