Monday, June 30, 2008

Arigato gozaimasu!

well, i think its spelled like that.

In 1 week im off to japan. were going from zurich to vienna, and then vienna to tokyo, that last part is 13 hours!!!
Im afraid that i might loose my mind on that long flight. not because im afraid of flying, more of being closed in a tube for 13 hours. normally flying from iceland(3-4 hours) is driving my wife quite crazy. I get so restless!
But we will see how that all goes.

Other then that i got a whammy from my boss, need to deliver a watch before i go. i get the last parts on wednesday. that means making those parts work and then case the watch on thursday and friday(cause we all know that wednesday means wednesday night, if not early thursday morning.) Time will tell.

I will take a million and half photos. and post the naughty ones ;)


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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